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Readings and Services For Women only   


All of us have blown out a Candle and made a Wish.


Flames have held a Magical significance since the Stone Age, when men and women relied on stone lamps and tapers fashioned from animal fat to survive by illuminating the dark and dangerous nights.

The “Sacred Flame” was discovered.


In the 3rd century BC Egyptians used Candles to seek the Answers to their questions through Dreams and, in the 4th century AD, the Church began to use the “Eternal Light of Candles” commencing with, Baptism and ending with Candles placed around the coffin at a funeral to guide the Soul when in transition between Dimensions.

Candle Magic has become one the most popular forms of Spell-Casting in recent times.


The enchanting effect of tiny Candles can create an immediate cosy atmosphere with Friends, Romantic with Lovers or Relaxing when having a bath. Personally, I love surrounding my place with Candles when I meditate as well as when I dive in my books.

A thoughtful gift for a friend, a Magic Candle will increase Beneficial Forces and Dispel harmful influence. 

I will be happy to craft the right one for you or your Beloved ones.


Paraffin, Petroleum wax or the more expensive Beeswax, Bayberry and Candelilla offer a great variety of choice.

It is essential to Carve and Dress the appropriate shaped, sized, coloured Candle, according to the Desired Goals.

A mixture of Ointments will follow.


I will then “store” our Intentions in the “Magic Candle” charged by the Moon/Sun.
I will also be placing Sigils of Protection and will use dried/fresh Botanicals.
You should do the same at the other end.

Sit back and relax. Let the Magic happen.


Please, never pierce a candle or place it on a sharp holder unless absolutely necessary.

In addition, do not blow out ritual candles, either pinch them out with your fingers
or deprive them of Air instead. Avoid any sort of spells if pregnant.

Candle Magic

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